News overview
Snow is not just Snow
If you have grown up in a country where snow is just a sporadic thing that happens in some years, it makes your world white for a bit , looks nice, sucks for traffic and public transport and then it turns into a black/brown slush that lies around for a few more days and disappears again, you would be forgiven for thinking
"Snow is snow" ("Sneg je Sneg").
You may have already heard that famously silly anecdote that people who wish to open a conversation with others but don't know what to say use:
So... What about Cornwall?
(a short essay about national identity)
See that?
That's the Cornish flag, flying at 750 metres above sea-level in the freezing snow!
(that's about 2000 km too far southeast, 700 metres too high and about 20 degrees centigrade too cold)
Those of you who have been following OMNIA and our musick for a while, will know that we are living on our own land called TERRA OMNIA in Slovenia now...
But, if they know our discography well, they might be thinking:
"Ermmmm?.......shouldn't that be in Cornwall?"
Cooking breakfast on a fire... What is FREEDOM?
When you think about "freedom" you might think of many different things.
To many there is simply the concept of "Slavery"...
which is:
"I am a slave, being locked up in chains and beaten with whips an' sticks, I have no autonomy over my body and I am being raped physically and /or mentally and forced to do hard work an' stuff which is killing me ... and all of this against my will" ...
and when all that horror stops, and you are liberated because of some external factor,
then THAT is called "FREEDOM"
Nothing is sacred... Only NATURE
"Write something nice to give people a smile and a bit of hope..."
Why exactly should I be giving any of YOU out there any "good feelings" or "Hope"?
Is it because we are OMNIA and the word "OMNIA" actually means "Hope" or "Wish" in Arabic?
(as well as "Everything" in Latin)
Happy New Day!!!
Today is a brand new day!!
Like every other day is a bright and grand new day...
A day to start (or continue) living your life the way YOU really want to!
As a large part of the world celebrates yet another fictional "new year", just as they celebrate and worship so many very silly, made-up things in this confusing prison world of disinformation and dictatorial propaganda that we have all been born into, we rest easy and in peace here on our mountain.
Happy Holiday season everybody!
here's a belated christmas card from the ever sharp pencils of the amazing Bob moran!
Hugs , Peace and Joy!
Have a very Happy Midwinter! (Veseli zimski solsticij!)
I hope you have the chance to enjoy the awesome beauty of Nature, wherever you are,
just as we are drinking in the stunning scenery and the daily indescribable joy of our home above the clouds.
We feel blessed everyday to have ended up here... surrounded by so much LIFE and pure peace ...
The valleys around us are drowned in a thick freezing mist right now, pooped by many many chemical spraying airplanes, but we have cleared the air somewhat with some good old fashioned love and magic!
Top of the world…
I’m on the top of the world
looking down on creation
and the only explanation I can find
is the weird facts we found
ever since we looked around
that’s why we’re living at the top of the world! ;-)
Greenthingz, white thingz, Alive thingz!
pic by Daphyd Carpenter
ps: Nothing is Sacred… Only Nature!
She is our food, our home, our medicine and our teacher
Thingz aren't always what they seem ;-)
Warm fuzzy Hugz from the cold Hard mountainz
pic by mr. Senz