Working hard but dreaming...

17 Oct 2015

Some days, when working on new CD's in crowded Holland, we long for the restfull silence of the forest...
We've been out of our little house for what seems like ages now , working working working on NEW "OMNIA stuff"... but today we are back and we rest...
We look at the trees and the birds, we experience the deeper meanings of Life and Love together...

I haven't had time to blog normally to you for ages now..(sorry) but it's because we are working for YOU and for NATURE

so ,short blog again... we are alive, and all is well!...
now I'm gonna cook food for my Love and me 
and (just so you know), 
TOMORROW we will FINALLY tell you which amazing artist is responsible for all the original Artwork of the New CD, when we put the Cover of "NAKED HARP" online and we announce the release date!

Greenthingz on and forest-thingz...