So...there's a War on Nature... what can I do?

28 Oct 2023

(a short positive blog with usefull information)

This is part of a letter which I wrote to a Magyar friend who lives in Serbia (yo Dori!)
to answer this tricky question...

here's the answer:

The act of creation, as in, making art, music and the joyful construction of pleasant things are all forms of resistance against the overkill of horror and bland pre-packaged illusions that try to overwhelm us.

Love and laughter are weapons of good.
Every expression of original soul-motivated, freely given, beauty and emotion is like a silver bullet in the butt of the beast.

These are the only “weapons” we have to fight for what is right!
(that's why I still write and why we still make more OMNIA music).

These are the “weapons” you and I can use against the army of oppression that wishes all harm…creating, motivating joy in yourself and others.

“They” (the demonic parasites that opress us all) feed on our pain, fear and confusion.
So when we are calm, unafraid, happy, simply joyful, then we are rebelling against the prison and starving the beast by withholding it’s food source.

Starve the bastards by refusing to give up!
Never comply...Never surrender

There is no way to fight these monsters posing as governments and NGO's by force.

They control the physical, material realm and will always be stronger.
In the court of law,
in the government,
in the schools and other brainwash compounds
in the streets,
in the supermarketplace,
in the world of the web…

They rule supreme and will beat you on every physical battleground
(they ARE the military ** they ARE supreme force).

BUT this battle we are all involved in is a spiritual fight,
and there lies the difference!
That is our (YOUR) chance to shine!

This fight is not about control of the “Earth” or material plane...

it is about Souls.

 It’s about knowing who and what we are.

There is no way to physically stop the current scenario,
we can only try to ‘ride it out’ and save who-ever possible, while exploring and developing the powers of the mind.

 In the quiet of Nature you can travel within yourself...
 I believe that one day, somebody will find the Key inside themselves.

But only if they are focused enough to look and not distracted by the beast and his minions...

EVERY positive thought or action echoes through our collective universe and creates Harmony to heal the damage caused by the parasites and their lords of destruction.

Don't copy the poop that is dished up to you through the weaponised media

Don't parrot the concepts of the entertainer/prostitutes that wish to confuse and homogenise you into a uniform mass of obedient slaves

forget most of what you have been told about what is considered "normal" in this freakshow theatre that is supposed to be our "physical reality" and CREATE!

There lies your power

There lies your salvation

There you will find the answers and ultimately ...peace

Greenthings, hugs and light!

dr. Steve Sic

pic taken on Terra Omnia by Oleg the mighty

**ps: ...Fun fact: Did you know that “Stratosphere” where the jets fly, literally means “Army Sphere” (Stratos= Army)? Weaponized weather and sky anyone?...
 congratulations! YOU are living in a "stratocracy"...