19 Oct 2015
Cover image of new harp CD

release date 27th of november 2015!!

please help our independant little asses and share this blog!

Yes I can finally show YOU the brilliant Cover of our new CD "Naked Harp" made by none other than the wonderfull, talented, beautifull ,charming and very lovable spanish ArtistVictoria Frances!!!

We have always loved her Artwork and have been a fan of hers for many years...

She has always loved our Musick and has been a fan of OMNIA for many years...

So we decided this year to work together on this beautifull new CD production centred all around the magical music of the Celtic Harp.

In it's own way "Naked Harp" has become an ode to the Artistic Power of two unique Women...

-ALL the Harps and other Instruments aswell as vocals that appears on this CD have been played by Jenny!! All the musick-pieces are written by her or traditional tunes arranged by her...

-ALL the Original Art-Work Drawings that appear in this CD (which are really stunningly gorgeous!) have been made by Victoria!! (while she was listening to the rough recordings of this CD)

-actually now I come to think of it... ALL the recordings and graphics have ALSO been done by very talented woman!, our dear friend Fieke!! 
so that makes this a total "Female-Power" CD!!
(in fact the only Male to have been included in this artistic ménage-à quatre is me... but, as a Shaman, I am sooo in touch with my female side, that I am practically a woman myself!...ahem...)

Sooooo my dearies... Now it's official!
The NEW OMNIA CD 'Naked Harp' will be released in November, It sounds fucking Awesome, It looks fucking Awesome... we hope that YOU are going to like it asmuch as WE all do!!!

Greenthingz on Female Wingz!
