"He who controls the weather, Controls the world"

15 Sep 2024

That was said by the (then) US President Lyndon B Johnson in 1962.
I would like to update that statement by saying:

"They who control the world, are also controlling the weather"
 (and have done so for a long time)

by the way: This is a picture of Jenny swimming, cool huh? she swims like a fish! and looks like a mermaid with all the hair (even after we cut off a lot of the length because it was down to her ankles)

I put this picture here together with this blog, because it's such a pretty sight, and I want  to make you smile...
because the blog itself is not so happy you see...

It seems that "natural seasons" are a thing of the past...
especially the change-over times between them...
all we are left with is hard and heavy "extreme weather events"  , let me explain:

Last Saturday it was still summer and it was very hot.
The temperature was around the 30 degrees ...
The flowers were blooming, the fruit softly ripening , fish were jumping, you know what I mean...

The barometer needle was hanging roughly in the middle with no change in sight.

We were just at the end of a dry period here on Terra omnia ,where all the water in the forest had dried up ,leaving the streams and ponds on our land silent and still...
With the barometer in the same position...

Sunday it got a bit cooler, a spot of very welcome rain in the evening...hmmm?
barometer in the same position.

Monday ...a bit of rain... much needed though! "ah nice!" we thought...
barometer in the same position.

Tuesday warmer again , perfect weather! the greenness was picking up, the fruit could make some more juice, life was good
but the barometer still in the same position?

then...Last wednesday the temperature suddenly dropped by around 20 degrees to 10 degrees!
and rain started falling by the bucket load.

The barometer was still stuck roughly in the middle with no change in sight... huh...?

Last thursday the temperature dropped to around 5 degrees and snow fell on the top of our hill
Rain pumped and pumped out of the sky, causing some flooding and some tree destruction.

the barometer is still stuck around the middle with no big change in sight !?
(between about 1002 1nd 1013 hPa)  

I even got a new barometer because I couldn't believe this result...
and yes...
it is the same on both of the professional nautical barometers that we own
For those of you who know nothing about nature or environment and for whom these readings mean nothing:

I would just like to point out the following:



normal weather has to do with air pressure and high and low areas moving around...
 these extreme weather changes, where a gigantic storm front "just forms" over a huge area of europe and then hangs there causing massive destruction, without moving, without a high and low pressure region to  drive them is an impossibility...

These weather attacks are being driven by something else...




no... it is NOT a "conspiracy theory"... it is not a delusional fantasy , it is the world we live in.

We have an enemy my friends... a big one

All the countries that have signed the so-called "Arctic and Antarctic treaties" ,
 the world wide "pandemic treaties" ,
"international Armed conflict treaties" ,
 "international airspace  and nautical travel treaties"
and all the other such bullshit "treaties"
are being directed by a one-world-government.

they are also in control of every governmental "inner council" worldwide.

All these "treaties" (ie: international LAWS) are made to limit all OUR personal freedoms as private citizens and to keep the financial, geographic and spiritual chains firmly around our necks.

We are imprisoned by this one world government.

They call one visible part of it:

 the "United Nations",

although it could better be called:
the "United Military Industrial complex"

or just simply
the "Mass Enslavement of the World"

Big topic, but let's try to keep it short
The point I wanted to get across today is this one:


 While the "normie" people argue amongst themselves about all sorts of pointless issues
this very real weather weapon is getting stronger and more accurate by the hour...
with more and more chem-planes and HAARP stations etc. being built and deployed every day.

Today is sunday, today it is winter on Terra Omnia...
the wind howls , the temperature is around 6 degrees, the rain lashes like november...
the fruit trees are NOT happy, the plants and the flowers are getting wrecked...
and the Barometer?....
yep, you guessed it... no real change... but as I write this I see a small patch of blue appear...so maybe the event is over for now... let's hope so!

This is a constant series of Massive attacks on Nature and on the population at large , which no amount of  insect-eating, electric cars or recycled toilet paper is going to stop

Climate change and the weather horror that is being brought to your home right now,
is not being caused by CO2 from diesel engines or burping /farting cows or any of that sort of silly nonsense.

It is definitely not "Mother Nature" who is angry at us for not respecting her body.
(I asked her and she said "No")

"Climate change" is extreme weather events that are BEING CAUSED ON PURPOSE by the people who already CONTROL the inflation and deflation of all the money in the world, which is why you are also so poor all of a sudden

They are also behind what you think of as "Your Government" (no matter which country you live in ... also Russia.)     ...

democracy is just a pretty lie kept going by a bunch of overpaid controlled idiots called "politicians", to cover up for the totalitarian system that enslaves us all.

The enemy is doing this to control YOU and most importantly, YOUR mind...
(which is the whole purpose of Govern-Ment...ie: "Control-Mind"... obvious if you know some Latin)

This is an ATTACK, we are AT WAR with the "elite" occultists that presume to rule this world.

So please people , break free and remain free in your mind at least!

Do not let them fool you again (as they possibly did with Corona , BLM, "international wars" and the "rainbow" alphabet farce)
Do not accept any new Rules and Laws "for the good of the planet" or to "reduce CO2"

fight them!  fight this!

All this government and NGO , sponsored  "helping humanity" and "saving the planet" is just about total economic collapse , fear and slow death so that the new "Central Bank Digital Currency" can be forced upon you.
(by the way, "CBDC"  means, total financial slavery with no way out anymore...end game)
and then it's gonna be totally controlled "enviromentally safe" - "smart city" prisons for the survivors!

All of this has nothing to do with saving the future for your children...

It's more like an "international health council" calling on Israel to stop bombing children for a few days, so that they can give the children experimental "polio vaccins" to protect some of those children from possibly contracting a rare fictional disease...  And then Israel can carry on bombing them to death knowing that they all "did the right thing" for humanity...
(euh...even though these wonderfull big pharma vaccines caused polio-ike symtoms and death to appear in hundreds of thousands of children in India and Africa)

No, it's never about saving children or their future

But It does have a lot to do with NEW WORLD ORDER
and "EUGENICS"   (you don't know that word?...look it up... the "elite" just love it)

Do NOT believe the hype! Do NOT believe anything your government proclaims or supports.
Stay independant inside yourself... inside your mind, your soul....swim free in this sea of deceit.

Know that we are all at WAR, and Know that you are a true questing Warrior!

I mean a REAL Warrior, who must walk the good red road and be strong and clever enough to save yourself and your family from what is going on around you, RIGHT NOW.

Distrust everything you hear (also from me) and just observe for yourself what's real and what's not....and try to look behind the facade that is presented to you.   

And remember my friends: The Media LIES all the time in EVERY way.(that's it's purpose)

...Fight it!... the battle starts in your mind.

Greenthingz and "Living Life during wartime"

Nature-Shaman Steve Sic

ps: check out this documentary "Frankenskies" to give you an idea about what is going on