Happy Harvest Time! (You reap what you sow)

24 Aug 2024

It's harvest time!, the weather is great, we run around naked most of the time now, soaking up that good sunshine, filling us with life giving energy and feeling the soft caress of the cooling breeze on our skins. Life is good today!

So...it's been a while since I last wrote something on the 666.worldwideweb-entrapment-net.con
( because I don't want you all to finger that evil little anus of Satan you call a "smart-device" all the time)
and... we've been busy...  Jenny and me are on a deep spiritual journey into the mindscape of this living world and to achieve this we cannot be "connected" to the insanity that is the modern world.

But I realise that many of you actually enjoy or need to read my little rants about our reality so here goes, I'll have to finger the beast's key-board for YOU!

I was actually gonna publish yesterday because I told a friend I would (sorry Dori!)
but a sudden harvest of ripe plums got in the way... many MANY wild plums were gathered!
And because It was at a proper traditional slovenian farm of some friends of ours ,
with proper slovenian old-school farm people who live and enjoy life so much like real HOBBITS
 it's almost as if Tolkien based the SHIRE on Slovenia!

(ofcourse I mean the REAL Tolkien hobbits in the REAL Shire and not those new world order black/trans/inclusive bullshit hobbit-abominations that we are supposed to accept as "new-normal" nowadays)

So..long story short... we gathered fruit, we laughed,and after we had cleaned the sticky sweet sap off of our hands, I got blind drunk on homemade booze that kept appearing in my overfull glass as if by magic and I was so stuffed with good rich fatty food!...  I could hardly speak ...let alone write or publish...so there...

Where was I?
..euh... next day, brain functions again, cold outside bath in the morning, some yoga stretches, bit of hard labour in the sun, some breakfast and a cuddle with my darling Jenny, talk about last nights' dreams and....

Oh yes write a blog!

It is now harvest time! The land is providing us with many many good things, that we helped to grow here on Terra Omnia (like the beautifull tobacco leaves on this picture)

You may have heard of the saying "you reap what you sow" and let me tell you my friends, we reap joy and bounty and love and peace.

The intention with which you live and the actions you take can make or break your life and your heart.

it's like..euh..?...like... ah!...
 here's an example:

I was informed by some friends of mine about Castlefest in Holland this year ,Castlefest is a festival which Jenny and me helped to build as organisers many MANY years ago. We were the creative designers, spiritual parents and music programmers for the first 5 years of it's existence.

When we were still in the organisation of this festival we built a giant OMNIA WICKERMAN sacrificial fire-fetish every year and filled it with gifts to thank Nature for this beautifull world and this beautifull life.
After we built it (personally) We would bring precious and wonderfull things to fill the wicker structure with and as OMNIA we encouraged  our fans and the other visitors to our festival to do the same
(only the best of the best things could be offered ofcourse! an offer without worth is an insult to the spirit of life)
 Then during the festival in the middle of the biggest of the 3 OMNIA concerts on saturday night we would pause in the middle of our show , when the field before the stage was full of smiling faces and joyous cheering, to light this massive offering to the spirit of life and light!
 and then...about 7000 people would chant and laugh and smile and DANCE with us as we played wild sacred music and the flames blazed their golden light on the gathering of souls for this joyous gift to all and earth!
A simple and easily joined ritual without pretention, free for all!
A celebration of LIFE!

TOGETHER We sowed beauty, sincerity and value and so we reaped joy, strength and happiness!

Since we got banned from Castlefest through jealous wormtongues and powerhungry small minds,
our memory and all that we had done to build that festival was erased and changed by the new order which had taken over.
They even took our wonderous joyous Wickerman ritual from us and turned it into a doom laden, depressing cremation of sorrow and trauma, presided over by fake pretentious commercial shamanism.
No one dances, no one smiles, everybody cries and moans,
all frowns and serious faces ,
red eyes and tears, tears,crocodile tears....
like a fecking christian burial ceremony ,
nothing good is given to this fire,
 only old trauma, fears and things that need to be forgotten are fed into this once-sacred vessel of the gods to be burned as a death chant holocaust dedicated to tears and loss...

It almost made me vomit to see this sick pseudo-sorrow-porn being played out on the place that we once made sacred....

They sow pretentious pain and trauma, they reap sorrow and tears...

You reap what you sow!

In this life we can but sow the good seed, to bring forth the green shoots of life,
and can only help to nurture them naturally to grow into healthy energy laden beings
which then in their turn feed our healthy minds and our natural bodies .

We all have a personal pact with Nature to fullfill... just YOU and THIS REALM.

THAT is true religion, THAT is true sacrifice

If you sow GOOD and TRUTH , you will receive GOODNESS and ANSWERS

If you sow EVIL and LIES , you will receive just what you deserve...

message ends here, have a great day!

Hugs and reality in the magic realm!
Shaman Steve Sic

pic by (naked) Jenny