The Great Game!

1 Jun 2024

Hi everyone, How are YOU doing?
Jenny and me are doing fine btw. ;-)

It's been a while since I wrote last so I thought it was time for a short chat about cool stuff

Because...I know YOU are worth sharing good cheer and energy with goes!

During the last few years Jenny and me have found a great new way to spend our spare time
(apart from running and building a whole homestead with other creatures and taking care of a giant nature garden at TERRA OMNIA and receiving cool guests from around the world)


We love gaming and we're now addicted to playing this great "Game" we discovered!

We started finding out about the full extent of the "Great Game" after the brutal take-over of democracy/reality by the 12 ruling families back in 2020...

We got into playing it by accident, by watching a looong documentary called "what on earth happened?"
so we made our characters fit...

and now we play it non-stop!

It is a fully immersive, live-role playing game that runs 24/7 all year round ...

want to know more about it? read on...

The full rules are kind of complicated, when seen in totality, but, no worries!
If you want to join in as well as a player, it's really easy to get started on the basics...

and the rest becomes clear as you play it!

If you play well enough, and keep scoring "soul", "knowledge" and "life" points
you will keep gaining levels and eventually become a Master of this Game!

and once you start you will never be able to stop again!
it's so satisfying...

it makes other survival horror role play games look like fucking Teletubbies in pussyland...
Warning! It can be REALLY unnerving and scary at times!
and your sanity and self-image will certainly take a few hard hits now and then!
(possibly because in this game your HEALTH and SOUL score are not fictional)

no save points, no extra lives, no extra mana power...

You just get the one character this time round!

one body with health,
one mind with sanity,
one soul with free will ...

This character is  called ...YOU

First of all you need to learn the rules.

Like I said, The Great Game is a type of survival-horror set in a world called "the Realm"

the Realm is an alternate universe very VERY similar in look and feel to the "everyday" one you are used to right now.   
(which in the Great game is called "space ball earth")  

but in "the Realm" everything functions in a completely different and more logical way compared to "Space ball earth"
and finding out the differences between the two realities is an integral part of the fun of game-play!
The Basic rules revolve around the fact that "the Realm" (a magical place of wonders and abundant life force)
has been taken over by a mysterious outside entity called "the Demon" (you have to find out who and what it is).

The Demon cannot create anything but he can possess some of the weaker-willed people of "The Realm".
These possessed people become puppet "rulers" and "prison guards" who in their turn force the happy creatures of the realm into permanent slavery and sadness.
The Demon knows how to use the magic of "the Realm" and so do his minions... they gain magic powers...
while the enslaved people of the realm haven't got a fecking clue what's going on.
These poor primitive souls are kept imprisoned in a totally fictional illusion of a world, controlled by the purposefully overcomplicated and mysterious forces called "Science","Law"  and "History" which are all controlled by the high priests of the Demon.
The Demon itself of course feeds off all the pain, sadness, anger, and frustration caused by all the negative and confused emotions (The Demon especially loves all the pain and horror involving abused children).

At the time that the game is set (called "the Now") the Demon and his millions of minions have been ruling "space ball earth" for at least 300 years and have taken control of every government, every institute of learning, institutes of healing, schools and courts of law, every so called "culture', ALL popular music, literature, opinion, ALL popular entertainment etc. etc. the list goes on...

so basically the Demon controls the entire perceived reality in the "Now".

And YOU can be the HERO in this Game!

Yes YOU! can undertake the mythical "Hero's Journey" to defeat this shit !!


YOU can fight this!
As a bonus, while undertaking this quest, you will get to face (and defeat) all your own inner demons,
you will begin to learn about the true meaning of love and life ,
and transform yourself from being just a basic fucking monkey NPC that has a head full of silly beliefs and anecdotes,
into a real actual person who knows where he is and what this world is.

(exciting isn't it?)  

Jenny and me are now around level 3... I think?... , after about 4 years of serious gameplay!

We know a hell of a lot more about "the Realm" now,
we have dumped about 50% of the false information from our perception (at least, that's what we think)

but we still have no clue where it will all lead,

we have no idea how many levels there are left to go through

and because so much of this game is about perception, and blocks of "information" are like spells that get stuck inside you and live there like demon spawn...

it means you have to first change the way you look at "reality" so that you can really SEE what is there and not merely ASSUME that you know things ...

So we try to discover our own cognitive dissonances and when we find two conflicting beliefs in our heads we figure out which one is true and which one is just another bit of demon-spell bollocks,
so that we may rise in knowledge and wisdom...

(i.e.: the demonic mental baggage influences what you see, so you must first find your own cognitive mind-blocks and take them out)

It's a shame that you cannot just tell anybody else important game information, there are no "easy cheats"...

Every single player has to figure out the clues that turn "two faces into a candlestick" by themselves,
otherwise the Demon remains in control of your mind/soul.

But we can do what others have done for us, which is supply hints, and maybe make you think about stuff a bit so that you come to your own conclusions about your own "beliefs"...

we was such a revelation!

So here's the first rule to start playing "the Great Game"

Forget anything you have been taught in your entire life by anyone or anything that was "Official" "governmental" or "Famous"   
(this includes seemingly cool alternative artists like me as well),

check every bit of "knowledge" that you have inside your head PERSONALLY.

If you cannot prove any of the "knowledge" you have, by personal observance and by personal testing /observing
then it is an ASSUMPTION or a BELIEF.

Beliefs are an act of trust in whoever told you that stuff...

you believe men landed on the moon? this means you trust NASA...they are the only ones who can say it is so.

you believe your wife died during surgery because of some unidentified virus? then you trust the medical industry that owns the hospital

you believe in the 9/11 story and random terrorists? this means you trust the USA government who is constantly at war

Trust is religious, not factual knowledge   

"in GOD we trust"...

oh yeah?   

which one?

I will try to write some more clues and rules to the Great game in the near future while the internet is still semi-functional for weirdos like YOU and me! ;-)

You are not alone

If YOU want WE can play this game together!

Feel Hugged

Steve (and Jenny, Crt and the Chickens say "Hi" "Mauw" and "popoooook!")