Finding Paradise in "Hell-World"

1 Sep 2024

Where do you find Happiness?

Jenny and me have worked hard for and finally gotten the Nature reserve that OMNIA was meant to be... Real life, Real people, Real musick
We have built the perfect Natural (non-dogmatic) lonely Temple on the mountain for us to continue our spiritual growth in...
but that doesn't mean we don't realise what's going on out there in crazyworld around us.

We've always tried to focus on the positive things we can affect ourselves, that's why we make the musick we do despite being nature Pagans , you won't find us revelling in blood rituals,death and dark magic...which seems to have become the norm in "pagan-music" land nowadays... we're more the "hey! look at that pretty butterfly!" kind of pagans.   :-)

One of the trickiest things Jenny and me have had to do in recent years is trying to figure out a way of life where we can be happy despite the fact that we now realise that this world is actually a cleverly constructed Hell.
A Puppet show of lies, pain, ugliness, fear and technological terrorism built on a post-apocalyptic heaven of truth, beauty , healing, safety and natural "magical" tech.

This wonderfull realm that we all call EARTH and that we love so an enclosed universe which was created for us and for all natural life ... but sadly it has been infected by spiritual parasites that have possessed, disrupted and polluted nearly every aspect of it.
The sheer natural beauty of this existence has been perverted into a mostly computer simulated illusion which functions as a Net, a form of "soul trap" which devours all that is good and pure...

It's kind of depressing to witness all those web-addicted souls, with their crooked necks ,blue glowing faces and clammy swipe-hands just sucking it all up as if it is normal to be a hand-held-device junky , unable to leave the house, sit and have a dinner or even take a shit ,without their evil little tech-demon within fingering range...

This is not the world I imagined of the socalled "enlightened, freedom loving, high-tech 3rd millenium"
This is not what we were promised for complying with all their Laws...

I sometimes find myself drowning in the sheer destructive madness of this existence , when I look at the world around me and see the torture of children, the chronic sickness caused by never ending techno-stress, gross obesity, poisoned food ,air and water, evil "medical" gender-mutilation and toxic-vaccination, pointless propaganda driven wars  and Lies lies lies... the list is too long (and boring) to write down here.

But ,as you are still reading these little messages of mine, you are probably aware of a lot, if not all,  of them.

So what can we do? How can we still live a "happy productive life in comfort and without fear" in the evil "clown-world" we now all seem to be inhabiting?.

Well , our little secret is this:
Forget about all the plans you used to have for a better world future (there won't be one)
Forget about all the things you so desperately think you want (they are all illusions anyway)
Forget about all the things you think you really need (they are all pointless addictions)

Focus on the little things that make you smile to get you through the dark days when the chemtrails block all life and the socalled "liberal" Governmental thugs are destroying even more freedoms.

and try to figure out what is actually going on here in YOUR life.
Who and WHAT are you?
What is this place we inhabit really?

See the beauty inside a flower , see the sun and moon flying in giant circles over our heads , see the firmament spinning around the North Star in a fixed clockwork motion and realise that it was not "coincidence" or "random chance" that made it was designed

Some power designed and built this place with a good reason
and no, sorry to disappoint you, but the reason was not to have a succesfull facebook page or a tiktok account      
(you may have noticed that we removed all our OMNIA anti-Social media accounts permanently)

The reason becomes apparent when you feel the positive vibrations of looking at, listening to or experiencing true natural beauty!

For me that would be seeing this lovely lady whom I love so dearly, bearing a hand woven basket full of fresh garden gifts that she planted and nurtured to fruition , so that we can enjoy them together!

You find the NATURAL beauty, the thing that moves you , the REAL world
without any techno-DEVICE or other deamonical artificial enhancement

and when you find it ... you LOVE it!

for only Love can tame the Demon!

Greenthingz and REAL people, REAL musick and REAL Reality in a dark world of tech-illusions

Steve Sic

oh yeah...that's an un -"filtered" un - edited picture of Jenny taken with a camera by me... just so you know ;-)